Thursday, October 15, 2009

Long over due...

Hello all! Oh my goodness... I'm so sorry it's been so long since I've updated. Life has been, hectic to say the least!

Baker is the center of our world... He's simply amazing. God has truly blessed us with an incredible little boy! A week ago this past Tuesday, he was 4 months old :) He's talking away now, or so he thinks :) He rolls over all the time, and can't stand it when he can't roll back over! He is still breastfeeding, which is wonderful. I believe it makes the bond so much stronger. Absolutely nothing against someone who doesn't/didn't... but with me, I have to work full time right now. So, I believe it gives Baker and I some time that we wouldn't normally have. So needless to say, since I work full time, I spend every possible minute with him. It's amazing to look at him, and know how long we prayed for him. God answered our prayers with this little miracle, and I just can't get over how blessed we are to have him! (and I hope that I never get over it either!!!)

Here are some pictures for you to enjoy!!

(Also, you can catch me on facebook for more pics!)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

2 weeks old!

Click HERE to see all of the photo's we took :) He's getting so big!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

For this child I prayed...

Words cannot explain how overwhelmed I have felt of late... God has been so good to me, I have no idea how to tell you. It all started over four years ago when my husband and I started trying to concieve a child. Our hearts desire was to have children to raise them for the Lord. As many of you know, (that's what this blog was all about) we tried for a very long time to concieve. God saw fit for us to wait. I came to hate the word "wait" also the statement "All in God's time". In June of 2007, we lost our first child, that we didn't even know excisted. This was a very hard time for me. In some instances, I became bitter towards God for giving me what I prayed for, and then taking it away... I came to a point where my inability to concieve became a burden, I became so very discouraged that God would never see fit to answer my prayer. We went through many treatments and doctors appointments to try to see if there was a physical reason... Last fall, we found the physical reason, and God saw fit to answer our prayer to concieve again. For the past ten months, we have been waiting for our little miracle to arrive... and he did!!! Here is the birth story of our miracle...

Friday, June 5th 6:30 p.m.: Had been laying down with hubby relaxing for a few because we had plans to spend the evening with family. I got up to go get ready, and felt a gush of fluid... MY WATER BROKE!!! I was estatic and nervous all at the same time. My sister knocked on the door seconds later... poor girl, heard me freakin out! I wasn't having contractions, but I knew to call the doctor and get instructions from there... Doc said to take it easy, eat supper, shower, and try to relax. If I didn't have anymore contractions, I was to go to the hospital at about 9 or 10.

As soon as I hung up with the doctor, I had a contraction. But as we had learned in our birthing class, the first part of labor can take sometimes up to 12 hours. So we decided to keep our supper plans with my family... We had great fun telling my dad that it was BABY DAY! We went to Olive Garden and I must say, the company was great... but this was the first time that I really didn't enjoy my visit to Olive Garden! From when we left the house, went to pick up Miss A, and got to dinner, I had been having consecutive contractions ranging between 5-8 minutes apart. Finally I looked at my very anxious husband and said, lets go ahead and go to the hospital. The look of relief from him was hilarious. He was so worried about delivering the baby in the car :)

We got to the hospital at about 9:30, they checked my cervix, and said I was still dialated to 3 (that's what I was at the last doc appt) they did a test to see if my water had truely broken, and it came out negative. But I was having regular contractions. So they wanted me to "walk" for an hour. It is so dang hard to walk while you are in labor! Besides the fact that I was so frustrated that noone at the hospital believed me that my water had broke! So we walked. At 11:00 I was done walking, and needed to lay down. We went back to the triage room, (because they still didn't believe me) I laid there for what seemed like forever having very painful contractions. She finally came and checked me again, and I was a 4-5. Progressing very well. They decided to admit me, and we went through all the questions... and signing papers... very hard to do with contractions. About 12 midnight I was begging my husband for meds... I was in soooo much pain. They got me to my room, I laid on the bed and the contractions came faster. After about 5 minutes of trying, they got my IV in. I asked the nurse, I'm like... Shouldn't I have a break in between the contractions? In class, they said to "rest" in between them... like I would be able to sleep!!! She said Hmmm... let me check you again. Yeah... I was a 9-10 with a very small lip. She ran to call the doctor, and I started to feel the need to push... by then it was too late to get any medication... so I was getting what I wanted, a complete natural birth experience!

The doctor came in, and I basically yelled at him... where have you been?!?!? He laughed and said lets check where you are as he put on ONE glove (no gown or anything)... Go ahead and give a trial push on the next contraction he said. So I did, and Baker crowned. He immediately said... Oh.... I pushed again, and Baker was born. This was the most incredible and wierd moment of my life. They didn't let me see him for a while because noone was prepared for him! And, from him coming so fast, his head and face was very bruised. (As you'll see in the pics) Eventually they put him on my chest and he was letting me know that he didn't like what he had just been through :) Phil and I were immediately in love with this new little being that God had given us. We are now a family of three :)
Baker Riley Hulett was born at 12:42 a.m. on June 6, 2009.
Weight: 7 lbs 3ozs Height: 19.5 inches

Now for pictures!

Bleh... Walking, and resting...

He's here!!!
Trying to introduce him to my family... in between the tears... this was literally right after birth.

First family picture!

All of Baker's first visitors!!

Daddy giving him his first bath

I'm in heaven...
Look at those cheeks!!!

Going home!!

Of course we had to stop at Meemee and Pawpaw's for a picture! Eight Grandchildren on earth, and one precious missed one in heaven.

Baker's first week of life was a little rough because he had jaundice so bad...
Daddy and his little man... Happy Father's Day my love... I could never ask for a better daddy for our children. You are an amazing daddy and an even more amazing husband. I love you!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

33 weeks!

God is good! We've made it to 33 weeks! Baker is doing just great and enjoying kicking his mama! Which I have to say, I enjoy too! We had a doctor appt last Friday, and Baker is about 4 pounds 1 ounce. He's as healthy has can be! I also had some good news, I've lost two more pounds! I'm now -1! I've lost weight!!! In the beginning I'd gained at the most 9 pounds. So, I've lost 10 all together! We got the most precious picture at this last appt...Look at those toes!!! So incredible!

My work threw me a surprise baby shower on Friday... I was completely shocked!!! They even called Phil and had him be there with me! It was amazing! We got so much that we needed, AND almost 1,000 diapers!!!

Then Saturday was our church shower. This was crazy!!! There were almost 40 people there! We had a blast (or I did!) opening gifts and playing the shower games. Baker will be so spoiled, because he has so many people who love him!!!

The next few weeks are even more busy than before. We have our Spring Revival next week and everything just compiles off of that!!! Work will be crazy too. But that is just making our time waiting on our little one going by a ton faster!!!! I'm hoping to have Maternity pictures taken the end of this month.... then our Family shower is on the 6th of June!!!

Seven weeks and counting!!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

26 weeks!!!

I swear, one day... I'll get really good at updating this blog! (and my other one to be honest!)

Okay, so I'm already getting the "worried mom" spells... Last week, Baker was moving like crazy, and I knew that he was good. :) Well, this weekend has been really crazy busy and kinda stressful. I hadn't felt him move for almost three days. So of course, worry wart me... I called the doctor this morning, and they had me come in for a sono... She looked at his heart first, and the heartbeat was strong... 162 to be exact! I was so relieved all I could do was cry... She watched him move for a while, and looked at all of his extremities... and everything is perfect. He actually had his hand all scrunched up with his thumb stickin out! He has completely moved positions which was a huge attribute to why I wasn't feeling him move like before. It was amazing to see how much he has grown and how many features you can see now :) Here is a picture from today of his face...

This isn't exactly a perfect picture, it's a picture of a picture :) but you can clearly see his mouth and nose and his eyes... Phil swears he already looks like his daddy! The gray thing above his head is the placenta, which is another attribute as to why I can't feel him that much. It is in a very odd place, and is cushioning his movement. He's very very healthy though! His weight today was 2.4 pounds! The new position he is in, has him completely stretched clear across my entire stomach! The tech was nice enough to explain to me where he exactly was positioned. Funny thing... the tech actually told me to drink more caffeine :) Booyeah! She said that would encourage him to move more... he's a relaxed boy just like his daddy! He is actually measuring a week ahead also!

The nursery is almost complete! Phil just has to put in the carpet, and then MeMee and Papa are coming to help us set up the furniture! The walls are painted a baby blue, furniture will be white, and brown will be the accent color! It will be really neat! Oh, and Daddy already has plans for a small fish tank to be in Baker's room... Oh, and of course it's for a night light too :)

Thank you to all those who read my blog... the journey that God has brought us from to get us to this point is amazing. When I look back, all I see is the pain and suffering that I had to go through to get to this point. But then I look again... and all I see is God's grace that covered me through those times... I wouldn't take any of it back, because it's made me who I am now. Baker is such a precious treasure. Having him inside me, and knowing that it was God that made it possible, and knowing that God answered my prayer... it makes me speechless. I hope that this makes me a Mother that shows an incredible love of God, and for her family. God knows my heart, and He knows my desire to be the best mom that I can be. With His grace, I'll provide a loving home for my children and husband. Oh! This gives me the chills!!! God is so good!!! God really does answer prayer, but when we are struggling to believe it, we have to realize... it will happen in God's time. If I didn't have to go through what I did, I would never believe that...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Monday, February 9, 2009

2 hours and counting!

Hopefully if the baby is feeling happy today... we'll know if it's a boy or a girl!

We are estatic to find out!!!!!


Friday, January 23, 2009

:: 18 weeks & Wait ::

Hello all!

Life has been so hectic... well, not really hectic, just full. :) I still have alot of morning sickness that lasts all day. Which wears me out tremendously. I come home from work and usually do some little things, and lay down for a couple hours, get up for a while, then go to bed... haha sounds fun huh? Laying down helps the best... I think the worst part about it though, is you never know when it's going to happen! One minute, I'm just peachy... and the next... omg. Get me a bathroom!!!!

The baby is great... I feel it move a few times a day. Which is so incredible... I can't wait to feel it kick :) I hear that gets old fast though... for some reason, I don't think it will with me! haha! I'm showing alot more now. I have to "fix" all of my waists on bottoms, or else they don't fit at all! Maternity pants have come in so handy though... But stinks however, noone makes plus size maternity skirts! My mom is going to help me rig my old skirts into maternity, then I'll just buy new skirts later... Phil has been wonderful with me being sick and hormonal :) Yeah... another thing. I cry for absolutely no reason sometimes!!! haha! It's all good though, no complaints here... I just can't wait to meet this little one! I've waited so long to be a mommy...

Your prayers are needed however in our financial world... We are really praying about what to do after the baby comes... I'd really love to be a stay at home mommy... but that isn't looking like it's going to happen... We know that God has a plan, but we'd love to know what it is! :) We are praying about me at least going to a part time job rather than full time. We prayed so long for this child, that I don't want to have to leave the baby with someone for 3/4 of the time... So pray that God will give us wisdom and discresion. I'd love to work from home, but there aren't alot of things like that in Illinois :)

Okay, so I found this poem... it has become by far my favorite. Some of you may have read it already... but it's worth it to read it again. I get the Stepping Stones newsletter (they deal with adoption and infertility) and this poem was in there. I read it, and reread it. Then I read it to Phil... with tears strolling down my face. My heart was so heavy... The poem spoke so deeply to my heart... If you are waiting on God, for... a baby, an answer, His will, a husband or wife, or for Him to simply work in your life. Anything. Apply this to your life, it's amazing what God can do when we... Wait.

Desperately, helplessly, longingly, I cried;
Quietly, patiently, lovingly, God replied.
I pled and I wept for a clue to my fate . . .
And the Master so gently said, "Wait."

"Wait? you say wait?" my indignant reply.
"Lord, I need answers, I need to know why!
Is your hand shortened? Or have you not heard?
By faith I have asked, and I'm claiming your Word.

"My future and all to which I relate
Hangs in the balance, and you tell me to wait?
I'm needing a 'yes', a go-ahead sign,
Or even a 'no' to which I can resign.

"You promised, dear Lord, that if we believe,
We need but to ask, and we shall receive.
And Lord I've been asking, and this is my cry:
I'm weary of asking! I need a reply."

Then quietly, softly, I learned of my fate,
As my Master replied again, "Wait."
So I slumped in my chair, defeated and taut,
And grumbled to God, "So, I'm waiting for what?"

He seemed then to kneel, and His eyes met with mine . . .
and He tenderly said, "I could give you a sign.
I could shake the heavens and darken the sun.
I could raise the dead and cause mountains to run.

"I could give all you seek and pleased you would be.
You'd have what you want, but you wouldn't know Me.
You'd not know the depth of my love for each saint.
You'd not know the power that I give to the faint.

"You'd not learn to see through clouds of despair;
You'd not learn to trust just by knowing I'm there.
You'd not know the joy of resting in Me
When darkness and silence are all you can see.

"You'd never experience the fullness of love
When the peace of My spirit descends like a dove.
You would know that I give, and I save, for a start,
But you'd not know the depth of the beat of My heart.

"The glow of my comfort late into the night,
The faith that I give when you walk without sight.
The depth that's beyond getting just what you ask
From an infinite God who makes what you have last.

"You'd never know, should your pain quickly flee,
What it means that My grace is sufficient for thee.
Yes, your dearest dreams overnight would come true,
But, oh, the loss, if you missed what I'm doing in you.

"So, be silent, my child, and in time you will see
That the greatest of gifts is to truly know me.
And though oft My answers seem terribly late,
My most precious answer of all is still . . . Wait."

by Russell Kelfer

Isn't that amazing? Every time I read it... tears stream down my face. What a God I have... and what a work He is and has done in my life.